~ a poem about the lines in our hearts
A magnificent truth
An enlightened pathway
Archangelic realms of vital virtue
Always glowing, warming physicality
A garden of revealing bright
A silent, simple forest full of growing
An unfettered soul for the loving
And a God for the companioning, awaiting
The void of shaping ambiguities
The darkening halls of yesters long past and long remembered
The gloom of waves lapping at the tower
The stark, rich depths of beautiful folly
The deliberation and layered intentions of powers beyond and before
The intricate masterwork of accumulated forces of softened, ethereal dominance
The forgotten folds of a nightmare recalled
The shadow of a weighted tomorrow beckoning
The walls of solitude demanding a shattering
The continuity of a heart in a collective will
The Man marching, ever onward, at our ultimacy
Flicker your light and tirelessly search for the meaning along these lines.